For the Lovers | Preconception
Wherever you are on your fertility journey this offering is for you. This magical period (no pun intended) prior to conceiving is all about opening up to receive in a way that is grounded in self care and liberation.
MoreFor the Parents-to-Be | Pregnancy and Birthing
The transformational process of birth requires a surrendering that can only be achieved when you feel safe to move through your fears, when you feel protected by your carers, and have done the preparation to be present in this powerful moment in time.
MoreFor the Super-Heroes | Post-Partum
Newborn families need the physical support and heart centred care that is so necessary to feel held, connected and a part of a broader support network during this deeply vulnerable and magical time.
MoreWhen in flow…
Our lives are cyclical by nature, as are our bodies. When we trust and embrace each cycle as it bubbles to the surface we can choose to step into the challenges and adopt the wisdom that was intended and necessary for our growth. The Living Doula believes in your body’s innate ability to conceive, carry, birth and nurture your baby the way you’ve always dreamt. Everything is connected. When we reflect on where we have been, we can be informed as to how we move forward in gratitude and flow.
The Living Doula Offerings
For the Lovers | Preconception
For as long as I can remember I have been fascinated with pregnancy and birth. As a child I would sit around the kitchen table with my mother and my aunties asking question after question enquiring about the births of my siblings and cousins. It was evident that each experience was life altering for them simply in the way they recalled in such detail the days their children entered the world. I knew I wanted to be a parent one day too and experience the love, sacrifice and joy they spoke of. When I began to feel the gentle urge to start dreaming of my own babies, I was at a loss as to where I could explore this desire. I felt excluded from the conversation for many different reasons, too young, didn’t earn enough, my partner not ready, none of my friends had the ‘urge’ yet etc etc etc...but I couldn’t shake the calling into this rite of passage. I started to listen to podcasts in secret, read books under the desk at work and was always hoping to accidentally fall into conversation with a new mum about her experience. I wish I had given myself even more permission to really explore pregnancy, birth and what to expect prior to falling pregnant.
Once we are pregnant we are overwhelmed with information and I feel that this is an injustice to our birthing people. We need to be included in the conversations earlier, we need to be invited into these educational spaces before morning sickness, medical appointments and the almighty hormonal shifts that take over while we are in prep mode for our babies. This is why I have created this program.
In this program I implore you to open up to the possibilities of creation in your life. We lean into our courage, into owning who we are and what we want for ourselves. We use techniques to call in our intuition, connect to our womb space and explore our options around pregnancy and birth. This online spiritual journey prompts us to release ourselves of fear, to cultivate fertile energy in all areas of our life and to instil practices that support our journey to parenthood and beyond.
Wherever you are on your fertility journey this offering is for you. This magical period (no pun intended) prior to conceiving is all about opening up to receive in a way that is grounded in self-care and liberation. Let’s explore truths you may have been avoiding, let’s explore your wellbeing practices, let’s explore who you are and will be as a parent. The education begins now, the conversation has already begun and you were and have ALWAYS been invited to this rite of passage.
For the Mothers-to-Be | Pregnancy & Birthing
The transformational process of birth requires a surrendering that can only be achieved when you feel safe to move through your fears, when you feel protected by your carers, and have done the preparation to be present in this powerful moment in time. I am here to ask you the right questions so you can prepare mentally, spiritually and physically for this literal and metaphorical transition.
The way we birth leaves an imprint on our children. You as parents can choose to leave a positive imprint on future generations by courageously processing and healing past traumas which releases you and your children from these passed down beliefs/ideas/stories etc. This journey, in my humble opinion, heals the world and makes space for a more joyful family life. I honour you for wanting to explore what birth could mean for you.
Birth (of our own evolution and our children) offers us an opportunity to allow and bear witness to all of ourselves. When we are safely held to walk into our shadows it is possible that we can find more compassion and understanding of why we are who we are. To know and love ourselves deeply through life’s twists and turns is an artform, and transitioning into parenthood provides the perfect canvas. When we show up for ourselves in this transformation with curiosity, reverence and unconditional love we are more available to show up for our children in this way. It is my belief that when we surrender and trust in the transition of our growth we are fully alive.
There is no right or wrong way to do this, only your way. I celebrate your individuality and encourage you to own your desires in every way. Navigating this journey without judgement takes an unlearning that I would be honoured to nurture you through. When we understand that pain can be joyful, that challenges are blessings and pleasing ourselves is the most selfless act - living fully becomes the most liberating thing we can do.
Over the course of your pregnancy I will provide intuitive care in the form of conversation, physical nurturing, informed education on birthing options, birth plan prep, holistic referrals based on your needs and requests and 24 hour support via email and text to ensure you feel supported and heard along every step of your individual journey. At your request I will be available to support you and your family in labour and birth, and will joyfully collaborate with your chosen support team all while respecting your vision and advocating your desires.
Nothing brings me more satisfaction than holding space for another individual to bear witness to their own strength, magic and power. I dedicate my career to protecting, loving and celebrating the families who invite me into these transformational seasons of their lives. .
For the Super-Heroes | Post-Partum
More so than ever our newborn families are needing community, whether it’s your first baby or your fifth is irrelevant. Through each monumental familial shift we’re needing the physical support and heart centred care that is so necessary for our parents to feel held, connected and a part of a broader support network. When we heal the nurturer, we heal a family, when we heal a family, we heal a community.
The incomparable Ysha Oakes said the first 42 days after birth can set the stage for the next 42 years of a birthing person’s life. It is imperative that we are nurtured, fed nutritious food, cared for, loved and given space to fully indulge in rest. This is so we can bond with our babies, physically heal and give ourselves the best chance to a vibrantly healthy and blissful start to parenthood and beyond.
To have an oxytocin fueled postpartum experience takes preparation and courage to ask for support from our community. We don’t often find this easy in our society so it is my greatest honour to provide this service and to offer the tools to cultivate this support. During the first six weeks after baby is born, I visit you weekly for 1:1 support sessions where I cook ayurvedic meals for you and your family, I can offer respite from household duties, provide gentle breastfeeding support, perform intuitive healing practices, a full birth debrief session and 24/7 support via text and email. This offering is flexible and I work off your needs presented in the moment, there is no set routine when it comes to your individual experience.
I would be so honoured to care for you in this way as you expand your heart, mind and soul to welcome the changes that are inevitable with a new human in your world. Every birthing person is deserving of this level of care, this service is for everyone.
The Living Doula Method
My work is intuitive and my approach/my method is unique to every person I work with. There is no set formula to prepare you as an individual for parenthood, just as there is no ‘right’ way to birth. In each session I endeavour for you to walk away feeling loved, held, safe and shifted into a higher version of yourself. I will ask questions that highlight areas you may want to heal prior to birth. I will provide a space for you to unpack your fears around parenthood and birth, and I will unconditionally love you in this process. All I ask of you is that you bring the same courageous heart that brought you to reading this passage into each session we have together. I deeply respect any human who shows up for their family to do this work, I see you and I thank you.
It is my belief that alignment, self worth and joy are the direct result of walking into our deepest fears, learning to dance with our shadows and understanding that because of our inherent darkness we are infinitely more connected to our light. When we welcome the vast and colourful human experience of grief, anger, sadness, joy, bravery, love etc we are more able to see how living and embracing this range makes us more human, not less of a human.
We too are nature, we too move in cycles and we too are worthy of unconditional love in all of our seasons.
I have absorbed and adored the learnings from Julia Jones’ ‘Newborn Mothers Collective Training’, ‘Angel Phoenix’s Bite-sized Dynamo Doula Training’ and worked alongside the incredible Melbourne based doula Leah Patara for just under a year to prepare me for this work. Prior to launching ‘The Living Doula’ I facilitated large scale youth programs, owned and operated small businesses and have also worked as a fashion stylist. Looking back now I see how all of these career paths were preparing me in many ways to offer my doula services to the wider community.
I am committed to being in a constant state of learning and adapting as a doula, and human for that matter. I choose to be proactive and motivated in my approach to uncovering more education when it comes to this important work. I will forever be reflecting on my practices and adjusting accordingly to support my clients and their families in the best way possible. This is my pledge to birthwork, the doula community and the families I support.