Birth Blessing VS. Baby Shower

Let’s start by saying, there are no right or wrongs in this discussion. I truly believe every parent/family should do what feels right to them all while honouring their own needs without the expectations of anybody else. I personally had both a Baby Shower and a Birth Blessing. For my growing family, both were important celebrations that felt really right at the time. I will say however, the one that was most memorable and most meaningful that I feel truly prepared me for birth was most definitely my birth blessing (also commonly referred to as a Blessingway). My birth blessing was facilitated by my doula and it was one of the most uplifting, beautiful and loving experiences I have ever shared with the women in my life. 


If you haven’t heard of the term “Birth Blessing” before, it is an event where the womben in a pregnant person’s life come together to honour the sacred rite of passage they are passing through. Often a ceremony style circle is created and the birthing person is celebrated, honoured and all activities are more ‘mother/parent focused’. Most commonly gifts are in the form of art, symbols for the birth altar or encouraging notes to be cherished while in the throes of labour/birth. Verbal offerings are gifted to the parent to empower, uplift and celebrate who they are and who they are becoming through birth. It is such a divine send off that I believe every birthing person deserves.

“I encourage you to let yourself be seen in this important stage of your life.”

A baby shower is as its title suggests ‘baby focused’ meaning the event is intended to celebrate the baby who is joining the family, and commonly there is a bounty of gifts particularly if this is your first baby. Practical gifts are wonderful and so so so very helpful especially if they’re from your own gift registry (aka you actually need them and have specifically chosen them). Somebody once said to me “babies bring abundance” and this is so true. Babies cultivate generosity and kindness from so many corners of your world, you will no doubt be surprised at how many people reach out to you over your pregnancy '- baby shower or not. Often at these events, games are played that revolve around guessing the babies weight, birth date, eye colour etc. As fun and silly as these games can be, I believe the new parents can be overlooked in these moments. Bringing community together can be such a wonderful time to remind everybody of the important changes coming up for the new mum/dad. Acknowledging these changes and the birthing person can be a very memorable moment for them and I encourage you to let yourself be seen in this important stage of your life. I personally really enjoyed our own baby shower as to me it was about celebrating our becoming of a little family. My partner and I chose to celebrate together and invited all of our friends and family as a way of saying ‘thank you for supporting us through Charlotte’s illness, now let’s celebrate the lighter, happier times’. Really ask yourself ‘why’ you want to have a baby shower and if the reasons that arise for you make you feel joy, go ahead and book it in!

All in all, I believe both types of events can be memorable and joyful for you, it really just depends on your individual wants and desires. If you have a doula explore how they can best support you to make some decisions around these events.

All birthing people deserve to be seen and witnessed in every single pregnancy. Life is a celebration.

If you would like to host your own Birth Blessing - please get in touch as I would love to honour you surrounded by your closest connections.

All my love, Char x

Why Birth Blessings trump baby showers....jpg


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